Chiropractic that goes further than a 'Bone Out of Place'

Our spine isn’t like a stack of bricks.

We know this because when you experience a trauma, you don’t just snap in half. (Like that photo!)

Rather, your spine, with its three flexible arches, is more like a spring.

You experience a trauma.
Tension is stored in the body, 
which compresses the spring.


We see the collapse in things such as a low hip, rotated shoulders or weight imbalance to name a few.

This is why our unique care isn’t about simply putting the ‘bricks’ back in place.

It’s about releasing the tension on the spring.

So it can regain its up, open and balanced posture and therefore...

➡️Restore proper function.

➡️Initiate healing processes, from the inside out.

We know that postural imbalances that result from tension + gravity = PAIN.

Whether it’s back pain, neck pain, arm pain, knee pain, etc., it would be wise to have a Structural Chiropractor step back to assess the structure GLOBALLY. Look at the entire body as it is connected to see the patterns of tension, compression and compensation.

You are not just a stack of bricks and it isn’t just a bone out of place. It’s an entire system out of place.

In our office, we use the 3D model to release what is responsible for the postural imbalances so you get more than temporary relief!

Our office is home to the only Posture IQ in East Tennessee, a state-of-the-art 3D postural measuring device that gives real time objective measurements on the changes we are creating each visit so you can not only FEEL the difference, but SEE it as well.

Let Your Brain Flow

Neurodegenerative diseases such as ALS, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and Huntington’s are growing in prevalence all around the world.

Nearly 1 in 6 of the world’s population suffer from a neurological disorder.

Your body has Cerebral Spinal Fluid that acts like oil lubricating your brain and spinal cord. It is created in the deepest part of your brain and pumps down the spinal column. When there is a structural shift (misalignment) in the base of your skull and the top of the neck, this disrupts that crucial flow.

Just like a clogged toilet where the pipes get stopped up.

Research is showing that when this fluid clogs up in your brain...

Metabolic waste and proteins linger, causing damage to brain tissue

A high-pressure environment is created that causes compression of brain matter (usually resulting in migraines and headaches) that wears out brain tissue, similar to a river smoothing out a rock over time.

Due to these negative impacts, that misalignment in the neck region of your spine can become a contributing factor to neurodegenerative diseases.

At Summit Chiropractic, we release the body back to proper alignment, allowing healthy Cerebral Spinal Fluid flow!

Nature’s Flu Shot


What a trying winter season last year as so many people, maybe even you, went down with the flu (or cough, runny nose, nausea, high temperature, you name it) and had to watch their body put up a fight.

In our office, we always tell our patients, “The best way to prevent sickness is to develop a ROBUST IMMUNE SYSTEM (because that's your army against invaders!)”

There are many lifestyle choices that will support and strengthen that system and many folks don’t realize that a chiropractic adjustment is one of the most powerful!

The nervous system and immune system are hardwired and work together to create optimal responses for the body to adapt and heal appropriately. Neural dysfunctions due to spinal shifts are stressful to the body and cause abnormal changes that lead to a poorly coordinated immune response. Chiropractic adjustments have been shown to boost the coordinated responses of the nervous system and immune system.

That's why when a patient calls in to say they woke up sick and need to cancel, we tell them to do everything they possibly can to make it to their appointment because our care helps the body boost the healing up!

A visit to Dr. Ryan’s table may get them back to work, school or life faster.

Now, back to that virus that seems to be all over the news this time of year. Please, call on your trusted holistic practitioner, whether it is Summit Chiropractic or not. They will teach you about your body and how to support it naturally.


Here is a great recipe to share with anybody who wants a daily immune system boost to sip on:

  • 32oz of filtered water

  • juice from 1 organic lemon

  • grate 1 tsp fresh ginger (peel off skin first)

  • 1 tsp local honey